9:12 Mafia DAY 2

I think we can flip LBJ to confirm his role and if he is telling the truth we can ask for the game to be restarted.

No I'm pretty sure that he's telling the truth and Epok just simply blundered another game.


Ok. Sounds good to me.

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@mafiabot lynch LuckyArtist

@mafiabot lynch @LuckyArtist

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
luckyartist 2 Vanilla_Town, big_ass
vanilla_town 1 LuckyArtist

Not Voting

KrazyKat, Dondi_Fontaine_Houwk, Matticus, SCSF, SuPA,

Alive Players - 8

Majority Vote - 5


Pile on please. Need 3 more

I can log on the Dondi account and votelynch from there, so we really only need 2 more.

Perfect. That's perfect

Can you stop trolling. We know you're not mafia so stop lying about it.


Epok sent me a mafia role pm when I was really supposed to be town, it's a host error and the game must be restarted.

El oh el

I'm going to sleep now. Can't wait to read all the new developments in the morning.

There won’t be any

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Cheers. Have a good night!

I wont

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Can someone remind Supa that we are playing a game?

ok but what if this is real

like I trust Vanilla Town to tell the truth more than LBJ or whatever