9:12 Mafia DAY 2

Nobody died last night. day 2.

@mafiabot startday 9839

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters

Not Voting

KrazyKat, Vanilla_Town, Dondi_Fontaine_Houwk, Matticus, SCSF, LuckyArtist, SuPA, big_ass,

Alive Players - 8

Majority Vote - 5


Game ends in about 30 odd hours at 9:30 CST.

@big_ass / @Nyte

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Well played by the town doctor.

Well. That pastel guy was clearly mafia ahahahaha

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Agreed, well played town doctor or afk mafia player.

And good call on Pastel being mafia

No the mafia player is certainly not afk hahahahaha.


I wonder who the last mafia could be?

Should we lynch LBJ?

If ur gonna quit and give someone your spot quit idiot

@mafiabot vote @Vanilla_Town

We need to ban vanilla town from games

I’m roleblocker and selected him so just pile on thanks

If there’s a babysitter claim please speak up so we can end this

The lynch pool is me vanilla town babysitter and babysitter counterclaim

Nothing else matters and mafia players suck

We’ve entered the end game

I counterclaim LBJ.

There's no reason to believe Vanilla_Town is mafia just because you roleblocked him, mafia knows the likely roles so they could as easily no-kill to force us to kill a strong town. NMA led the lynch on a confirmed mafia so it would be very foolish to lynch him today.

By the way, Epok couldn't even roll the roles correctly (first thing a host does in a mafia game)

My role is Mafia Roleblocker, and if LBJ is telling the truth about being Town Roleblocker, this entire game can be considered cancelled immediately.


Another possibility is that I'm supposed to be mafia rolecop but my role pm says roleblocker instead? Either way this is grounds for game restart.

Another possibility is that LBJ is lying.

I already mentioned that.

It's better to assume LBJ is lying about his role (and lynch him) than to jump immediately to a need to restart the game. Not productive for the game thread to attack the host