Amateur Programmer Thread



Just woke up. Programming today.

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Me listening to Bossa Nova - Drum And Bass, Taylor Swift - Life is actually pretty okay lol what's the big deal?

Me Listening to Lana Del rey - Someone fucking shoot me in the face right now.

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This is why I stopped listening to downtempo sad indie music

Now I listen to uptempo sad indie music.

uptempo sad music is an oxymoron

sad music is mathematically meant to make your heart rate slow to a point where, you can achieve death purely through music

fuck off this is a compiler bugfixing thread

Fixing the bugs, eating the bugs... is there really a difference?

Haven't run into any compiler pugs yet using the Latest Version of Visual Studio by Microsoft.


Will end up having to read ( LEARN ) MIR to figure out what is going on.........

actually will need this: The THIR (Typed High-level IR) - Guide to Rustc Development

Learn Mir? I prefer Bogdan RTM.

the bogdan rtm shit is literally the worst thing that's ever happened in the last like year


I haven't looked at the MIR/THIR, but I believe I have figured out what the issue is:

Depending on the platform's NaN behavior, the result will differ between runtime and compile-time execution of foo(1.0, 0.0). Compile-time execution is determined by the Rust port of apfloat (a soft-float implementation); runtime behavior depends on the actual NaN patterns used by the hardware which are not always fully determined by the IEEE specification.

the float literal isn't a constant because the floating point semantics depend on the runtime platform; creating some const variable is just forcing the compiler to utilize the compiler environment for floating point semantics.

Tracking issue for `#![feature(const_fn_floating_point_arithmetic)]` · Issue #57241 · rust-lang/rust · GitHub

I had a feeling it was something like this but it only came apparent when reading the const fn issue.

wake up on beach
meet some guys dressed up in trash holding AK-47s
I come
"Follow us, you're our prisoner now"
They bring me to a base with a crudely drawn ISIS flag on it
They bring me into their base
I don't say anything
"well you're :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: useless aren't you"
"bring him in the thunderdome"
they bring me into a prison with another naked
me and the naked fight intensely with rocks
I kill him, everyone is screaming "ALLAHU AKBAR" in bad middle-eastern accents
they bring me outside for a break
one ISIS member leaves the base, and I run outside while the door is open
being shot at by AK-47's while zigzagging
I escape into the desert

then I left Egypt, bought Rust and the same thing happened in Rust

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Have you checked out V Rising yet? It's the new Rust.

The only V that's rising is your V irginity

Can we ban toprak for literally just having dogshit posts

Like hes actually 0/172 since returning

he's a cutie tho

That is not true