Analysing User's Psyches Through Jung - Guide For Forum Relations

Archaic? Are you going to call mathematics archaic next?

The system can understand who you will and will not get on with before you have even interacted as sometimes it takes multiple threads to see who your enemy personalities are.

I am not twisting your words at all. You are saying my mental illness is being baited by me for attention. I don’t do that at all.

Psychology is a much less objective science than mathematics.

Anyways I can’t believe I took that bait from brendan earlier. My bad benny.

No I am not saying that. I am saying you can’t help mentioning it because you can’t handle being thought of as a normal person and your narcissism requires you to collect attention from everyone around you.

Neither of those things are true.

It is not, otherwise it would be thought of in the same realm as something like chiropracty. You are picking and choosing what is a real science to fit your ideas of yourself.

Not sure what this is referring to. Is it ironic?

You’re again in denial. These things are as true as twice two makes four and you can’t just dismiss it by saying psychology isn’t an objective science.

No the thing where I said Jung’s typology work was archaic and then Nmagane said that I would call the entirety of mathematics into question.

I never said it wasn’t objective. It’s not as concrete as math.

I don’t see Bigot on the Jungian Archetype Wheel

Glad I told someone off and then let myself argue again. Shit.

This isn't correct its wrong

Why would I use a typology wheel

Yes of course - it’s only concrete in the areas that don’t directly and accurately describe your personality flaws

Psychology sees a lot more inherent, illogical biases than mathematics does.

yo benny whats ur job? and why do you consider yourself an artist?

You think that’s bait why?