another one

bro you made your own account you type your own posts (on the forum where certain forum users have doxxed my family on their own accord with nmaGane continually making threads to gossip and shit talk me).

I hate to break it to you but I have some "desire" to control the narrative about myself on this website due to... multiple forum members justifying the contact and doxxing of my family within the lounge.

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Agreed. The moderation team should do more about the harassment of jones within the lounge.

someone made a passive aggressive comment responding to your doodoo head post. you respond to them telling them they have to care about things

My favorite part was trying to justify that "contacting my father" was out of bounds and then having friend tell me "talk shit get hit".

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you people are fucking delusional

Can you put this on the agenda for next Wednesday's check-in, Osiris?

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yea i dont share personal information with people who would shit on me you should try to be more careful

yeah dude I totally told certain members of this forum the names and addresses of all my extended family

Guess I should have posted it where users are supposed to feel okay to post personal topics: the lounge.


See I don't agree that jones sharing information about himself justifies yns calling his dad

holy shit i want to give him lounge so he can see

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I frankly don't give a shit, it's just justification for how I feel in regards to

[quote="CulturedUrbanite, post:523, topic:7821"]

because the userbase of this website is filled with literal mobbing sheep.

haha good thread

If I were on the moderation team at that time YNS would have been severely punished.

it's what he does tho get under your skin with random assholisms to talk more

I don't even give a shit if he's punished. It's just hilarious to me that I had complete morons lining up to stone me LMAO

Mafia maniac did you see the jones stream? Any feedback?

Obviously I have some complex about what is said about me on this website (especially within the context of nmaGane flaming me and calling me some "evil narcissist") given that the userbase of this forum was literally herded into a raging mob and justified fucking with my family.

I think to fair it's justified.

As the ONE (1) woman on the entire site, just know you have a responsibility to speak for your gender as a whole (this is probably what jones was getting at with his above posts about being raped)