Are there new t-shirts yet?

You NEED the cut off at the tip of the N

“NA MAFIA” would fit that style more imo.

Agreed. Didn’t really do well on this one

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This is the garbage I'm using right now.

The black one is kinda :fire:

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hey i dont get money if you buy that

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Logo complete ^

whats the asking price?

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we should just amek shitrs with :rolleyes:

logo: NA

text on shirt somewhere:

need to write: some sort of slogan that makes “namafia” sound appealing to the TI-going dota crowd that don’t play mafia

Slogan: North American Debators

I would buy :onthego: shirt so fast

Snapbacks and tattoos, all my friends are rich Jews.

yeah the snarkiness is essential

but the key is that it doesn’t draw any users at all if it just says nadota on it

you need a link to the website so that people go and check it out

Hostile Support Group

I think writing NAMAFIA on the shirt would do better than writing NAMAFIA.COM

how are they going to know it’s a website

if it doesn’t say .com they might think it’s a pop-punk collective