ive never been aroused or perhaps i am aroused all the time. i get hard pretty randomly or if poeple are really trying to convince my wee wee to do things and ive never done "it" without immense coercion by the external parties invovled.
Have you seen those videos of girls with boy parts though. They ride it and don't stop and use their hands to press off the floor and push out their chest without anything to show and release without any frontward stimulation at all. It's incredible.
I have yet to see them.
Damn bros my balls are so heavy
every time Refpsi posts I do a big cum to bring balance to the universe
what are these words man
Lyrical miracle
Couple fellas talking shop
You know I skipped that post yesterday
Why, past self, did you deprive me of such ecstasy
went to a Burberry store, all the mens shit looks GAY literally fucking like womens clothing asides the bomber jackets
fuck boys craving something with some jello back there.
This is why you should never date an asian women
I ride the subway all day reading Sun and Steel in hopes of attracting a cryptofash ABG who will chop my tiny cock off and keep it in a cage
Can't sleep day 16 of no drugs and drink.
Went to this late night pho spot just now
Some weird brown skinned people were sitting there talking in Slavic words I understood and didn't. Turns out they were gypsies lol
Got akward because I didn't know what to say lol. My dad hates gypsies and one place I contract the polish guy always uses gypsy as a swear word. Or if you fuck up he'll say ur a gypsy lol
Like, what I'm trying to do with Peru dota is to gypsy the system lol xD
from my experience they are very emotionally cruel so if you date one understand that she will be unnecessary cruel to you especially when you down in the money game.
A lot of yellow girls love white guys to the point they got white fever that shit is usually how you know she has 0 problem making hapas and making high salaried white guys cry.
fuck boys i dont know where to type this but im losing my mind, semen retention turning me into a son Im dead going to ravage someones daughter if i get a chance. Im so T'd up my nuts are literally swelling and i keep getting blue balls. this shit is bad bad. im straight feeling wreckless
you guys are fucking cringe
I ain’t done shit all weekend and not once did I get a talisman invite
It’s rigged