Artifact tourney season 2 when

I didn’t even apply for the beta cuz I’m based af

We don't have invites for the beta yet but when we do host a tournament GCG will probably be invited

Send me your steam if you want

New artifact interface is so mobile gamey :puke:

Got into the beta today. Gonna check it out tonight.

got it about a month ago and haven't felt like checking yet. lmk what you think of it

So far so good.
There is a campaign tutorial that is nice.
The turns are longer, because you're playing all 3 lanes at once.
But each turn takes less time than the 3 turns in 1.0.
Seems a lot less stressful than the original.

And since everything costs at least 1 mana, the turn automatically ends when you have 0 mana.
None of that you insta-lose but your opponent plays out his whole had to show off shit.