Ascend to perfection, master what you do.

Japan is a dying country. I like living there because I enjoy speaking the language, trains, and because my girlfriend lives there. But Japan faces tons of problems that are directly related to the fact that it is basically an ethnostate.

Luckily I saw some signs of attitudes changing when I was there.

How does Godwin's Law account for a conversation's participant being a Nazi?

Well I guess this isn't really a classic case

The well has been poisoned

Iā€™m fighting for my ethnostate

gunna make america a home for the whites?

White pride worldwide

The media demonizes white people who are proud to be white, thats a really sad world. And what is there excuse for doing so? WW2's germany who was one of the most successful white nations supposed "atrocities". Their second excuse, its painting all proud whites as somehow racist. Their 3rd excuse is slavery, a mostly jewish owned business, that is exaggerated, especially when people are still slaves today and not slaves like they were in the united states.

There is nothing wrong with white pride. White men have accomplished some great feats both past and present.

This is not a coherent defense of creating an ethnostate

Isnt the community dream to be surrounded by people you know?
Isnt a nation defined by its people?
What is so wrong about the desire to be surrounded by your own kind, your own kin, and you own species?

Asian has an enthostate
Islamic nations have a enthostate that nobody opposes.
But when a white man desires to be surrounded by his own kind he is some how evil, and when he moves into your urban areas he is not only picked on but demonized as some sort of neighborhood genetrfier.

There is nothing wrong with an ethnostate. Its viewed as something racist and evil but if i told you come live with strangers in a house you would usually request not to. If i told you come allow some stranger into your home to shower, eat and thrive with you, its a quickly rebutted notion, but suddenly when i expand that idea to your nation, its a great idea, and to have your own nation is evil and wrong. Every household wants its own space, likewise every race desires its own nation.

Dont believe tihs is a white only feeling, you should see the black and black tribal warfare going on between south african blacks and immigrating nations of blacks who they do not feel share the south african routes. A quick trip to any gore website will reveal the mass amount of xenophobia these south africans have for their neighbor nations coming in, and working, living, and acting as if they are south african

to want to be surrounded by people of similar blood, culture, and even similar origins is not an evil thing.

NOW THIS is study with RIGOR!

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You are so disconnected from reality. I lived in one of those Asian ethnostates. The very fact that they are an ethnostate is killing their country.

The point is you have to invent this stranger in order to create your ethnostate. If you put down the broom and looked at reality, you would realize that "strangers" in the sense of the word you are using are not defined by ethnic lines. I have more in common with some Chinese immigrant in LA that's lived here for 5 years than I do some white guy in Wisconsin.

Your youtube education failed you.

hahahaha holy shit

white people ARE the only peoples not allowed to espouse affirmations of their own racial/ethnic identity.

look no further than the horde of liberals who continually laud the representation of "ethnic culture" (black people food, black people music, black people XXX) while simultaneously enacting affirmative action and spoken/unspoken quotas to "elevate" minorities into what? cogs of the industrial system? at worst, to indoctrinate them to follow "white" values: conformity, social-industrial control.

The only good part about being white is sharing a skin color with Karl Marx

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I recommend the anime showcasing the brilliance of young Marx produced by our Chinese comrades

a story about a quality white man. truly rare

karl marx is the different side of the same coin.

look at young dapper marx. a real snack

a way of life based off anarcho-primitivism is the only way to gather meaning.