At work thread

im ready to leave.

checks watch

Oh no no no


Home going to the bar down to prep for DND.

My groups about to land in maztica. In some abandoned port town.

Played like 2.5 hours of Bloons td 6 at work today

I used gem td online. My favorite td I think. Old wintermauls we’re dope tho

Back at work after being sick for 2 days. Feel a lot of pressure to make up for lost time but also still kinda feel like shit.

One of the worst days of my life today at work.

what happened?

Playing mafia at work

lol. Least it’s Friday or some shit

Just in the office now. Looks like it’s going to be a long one. The clients are getting excessive unlike before. Anybody else here working right now?

Not at work

Just took a big old dookie on my manager’s desk… How about you put cleaning up that into your backlog and estimate its difficulty jerkwad!

working on the cannabis legalization file and it’s the worst.

He’s got an na tag what about meeeeee

Put it in the shredder

at work right now. weanan be home playin dota though