Aui200++ Day 5

murs u fucking bithc ass motherfucking slimy ass fucking scum ass mafia ass wolf ass fucking cunt

u think u gonna pocket me for the second game ina row and be like all smug and be like anime girl ohohohoho smug face . jpg well guess what pussy a storm is brewing this is the calm before the storm u bitch ass motherfcuker

do i have to copy and paste my explanation for the bazinga hammer again

man this is some desperate scum reaching here

@KrazyKat are you here dude

ill bring the hammer down and i'll smite you from these lands. thats right. me and you buddy. dance off. me and oyu, murs. dance off me motherfucker

dont ping kkat u pussy ass bitch

dance off, me and you


i think i can case murs

dont fricking vote me yet

Here but heading home in 5.

@KrazyKat what do you think? do you have any questions for me or wolfy?

I am lynching wolfy 100%

and why is that?

u dont wanna consider that u might be wrong at all?

give me like 30 minutes to case myself town and case murs scum before u vote me at least

and dont come in with "im lynching X 100%" attitude at least try to reconsider u might have been wrong

I'll be home in 45 minutes. Then I read and lynch.


why are we playing off me vs wolfy when kk isn't cleared

and what is this wolfy 100% vote

that doesn't sound like a winning mentality

shut the fuck up scum

dance off bitch. im writing my wall. are you?