Back from my ban

misery in disguise

If you try to racebait then give a serious answer in response to your rebuttals.

I'm going to guess than you're just too young to understand what's going on around you and what you're even reading. Cigarette fueled permanent psychosis.

my agenda is entirely political (as in not a question of race or whatever)

also happiness as satisfaction in life in general, i don't think it's such a difficult concept to grasp

I think you need to start reading, I recommend starting with Dostoyevsky and Melville.
"Satisfaction in life" is meaningless - being satisfied with what? How can someone know if they are actually satisfied or not? Look up allegory of the cave.
Being "happy" by your definition is against what makes one human - it's strictly anti-human.
I had a young kid - no older than 12 - join my teamspeak one day, asking me if I could teach him finnish - because he read online that it's the "Happiest Country". He was from the Netherlands. It's really nothing more than soft-propaganda for kids.

Happiness is not influenced in any way by anything other than ones own view and understanding of the world. Life is not a video game where you increase someone's money and job points to get better happiness rating.

did you just diss cigarettes in my thread?

nevermind he probably smokes pack marlboros or shit like that

If you ask a man why he is happy, he'll almost never tell you the actual reason - something of that magnitude isn't possible to be put in words.
Whenever you try to associate psychology (the hardest science) with any of your political race bait Rubbish, just remember that to this day nobody knows what the consciousness and soul are.

I think smoking when you're 15 year old permanently damages your development. It's fine to smoke as an adult, in fact I encourage it.

you're right. But not pack cigarettes. Pack cigarettes are mac donals.

I don't smoke so I wouldn't know.

this is where my tobacco comes from. Just fresh healthy tobacco. No nicitone inhibitors, no shelf life extenders, nothing. Just pure rat and insect poison.


you seriously couldn't be this dense

of course there are levels to it (up to each individual) just like there is to about anything but you can draw a general idea off of it - as the parametres are same for everybody

familiar with dostoyevsky, thanks for the tip though

No you can't and no they aren't. You're the one refusing to learn and grow up.

i roll mine, man

then you must not accept and acknowledge the law either? as it's based on a generalization of something as subjective as moral


It looks good

Not mine, but I'll tell the artist. Thank yuo.

No I mean the game nT just the art