Ban nmagane?

Nma is not malevolent, nor do I feel like he was trying to harass me. I’m deleting my cringe posts though.

Be honest, you’re just another nma account now aren’t you?

you gotta flag them so i can super delete them

It’s not a big deal, they’ve already been posted. I just want to move on.

Sure. Either way, I know my problems and spending too much time online isn’t helping.

Had my first 100 snapstreak on Wednesday that was cool

keep it :100:

Im so fucking sad bro bro

4sho family

this user needs to be banned 100%
either it’s a troll account even more powerful than nmagane or it’s a retard that will suffer abuse in the same way that loki did


this user needs to be banned 100%
either it’s a troll account even more powerful than nmagane or it’s a retard that will suffer abuse in the same way that loki did

I mean, I’m sure it’s a learning experience at this point. I know not to accept his friend requests, and I know better than to take anything he says now seriously from now on.


Got a discord friend request the other day. I messaged dan the name since it was arab, I don’t know whether or not it was him since I declined it. z!ed I think.

Yeah I’d be careful of any Arab friend requests you never know what those people might be up to

Until we can figure out what the hell is going on, I’m calling for a complete and total shut-down of arabs signing up for discord.

no a rabs aloud

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its amazing how many egyptian children hop on my lambo on roblox when i blast slipknot from the vehicle radio