what did your dad say
how did you “take care of it”
I didn’t elaborate, nor will I need to
I’m just trying to conceptualize how the convo went “oh your old friend James norton called”
“That’s not my friend it’s jsut some weird guy pretending to be someone he isn’t, just ignore his calls”
I would post the entire video on youtube, but I have this really ugly c++ code with std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> that I don’t want people to see
There we dont need to talk about this thread any more
apparently we do because there’s morons like ian that can’t differentiate yns calling my father and nmagane posting loki57’s linkedin and those two somehow cancelling out
if I just posted his phone number would that be less bad than calling it?
Neither are Allowed.
hey ian you know that like a year ago yns told me that he was going to ruin my life unless I got the egyptian to stop trolling the forum and then proceeded to post my father’s businsess address and phone number to some random thread?
All I’m saying is you brought this on yourself and I don’t feel bad for you
I don’t really think me posting your dads number and letting anyone have it to call it would be better at all
He didn’t bring it on himself - one bad thing doesnt justify the other - but I agree he should examine his actions and opinions
i don’t want you to feel bad for me
i want you to make basic fucking connection as to what is acceptable and what is not
Two bad things can happen and both people can be accountable without one of them being the “justification” for the other or some dumb shit
so following people around the forum to troll them is acceptable but calling someone’s dad at 3pm to have a nice conversation to troll them is not
It doesn’t justify it but if you do bad things to people people are going to do bad things to you
I think it was pretty funny I got your dad to tell you I called