Battle royale thread

just kidding, i dont play that free to play mober. maybe we could play LoL, HotS or Battlerite?

Damn I was gonna make a fortnite thread

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It IS true. Battle royale games ARE for blacks.

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Why’s that

Ask him not me lol

I tried playing some fort last night, its not as bad and I thought it was. C4 is sitll hella dumb tho.

Realm is fucking dumb as hell now

C4 is retarded

Most explosives are retared but other than that th game is fine

c4 is too strong everything else is fine i think

What’d they do the realm?

I don’t actually play fortnite.

Sorry, that would be a half truth. I’ve only ever played 1 match of fortnite and it was at sxsw

They changed the guns so everythings auto and has high RoF so early game is dumb as hell.

Added new guns that are/were super broken, not sold on the whole 2 chickens idea either


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I’m a shameless fortnite player though I’m terrible

Starting to get the hang of it though :upside_down_face:

Keep going dude

Lol I was at SXSW

all of these games are ass

pubg has a cool feel to it which brings me back to it time and time again

but the game itself (servers, coding, ui, bugginess, really everything except the feel) is super ass

with fortnite/realm I want to like them, especially fortnite so i can show off how much of a cool gamer god i am to my irl normie friends, but I hate the feel and cant get past it

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Oh forreal? Wish nadota existed then cuz we coulda linked

We could have met up and had nerd sex, but you playing

QC system is so wack,i dont wanna buy champions to be able ot plya 1v1