belittling others in a podcast thread

He’s textbook paranoid schizophrenic. He’s 100% mentally ill

Holy shit I didn’t know this existed, time to see how much of this I can get through.

I didn’t care about my google algorithms anyway just fuck my shit up

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e: Oh, alex jones. Yeah

that might be the best video on youtube

No - I don’t have a sense of wisdom. I am trying to state that I have strong opinions on my ideas and yours.

the egyptian?


Are you talking about me?

No, Terry Davis. He’s a paranoid schizophrenic. I think he’s brilliant, which is why it’s so sad our mental health system failed him

my bad.

It’s fine to express opinions, but you can’t state that there’s some motivations behind mine like it’s fact to you, especially when your evidence is a bunch of instances where you’ve made the same inference in the past.

My evidence is based on the definitions of the word Narcissism

Oh yeah, that too. Yes, he’s definitely sick and he isn’t helped by people who constantly interact with him and goad him on like some sort of internet celebrity

Alright then. I am not irreverently obsessed with myself. I am a person who does put a bit of focus into their personal thought process due to my illnesses.

That focus leads into obsession and the fact that you’re overly conscious of your “illness” leads to you becoming less human (that could be amplified by the medication?) and a very controlled person.

reading this thread is causing suicidal ideations in about half the people reading

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You might as well just die - what’s the point if you’re mentally ill forever?

ur a really annoying piece of shit can you stop typing things

Are you “mentally ill” too?

my brain is perfect the way she is

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