Blacksmithing thread

As for selling things, that is difficult right now.

I think a modest price for this copper candle holder would be around 50 bucks but seeing how it took me two days to make that’s really not a feasible thing to do, in terms of business.

But you get faster and better with experience and as time progresses you also get better tools. A power hammer for example speeds up work a lot…

Right now, if a friend asks me to make something it’s better for me to consider it a gift and if a stranger wants to buy something of me I’ll probably turn it down. There’s no way to make it worth my time, especially as you get attached to it if it turns out nice…

If I do make a lot of things for practice though, and someone wants to buy one of those things then by all means… sure!

It sounds silly but the point I am making is that trying to turn this in to a business, right now, is a worse option than getting a secondary job at mc donalds.

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if anything you will be a valuable member of society if SHTF

we don’t deserve kaptenrobert

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That’s how I feel wrt my passions and possible entrepreneurship opportunities

Great stuff robert! keep itu p

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