board games

gotta up my bands nyte's gonna break my bank accoun t

So I started playing a 2 player game with a bot.
It's like part card game and part combat. You wander the map getting powerups to make you stronger.
Eventually you get to the middle of the map and try to kill all your enemies.

Still haven't finished a complete game. My current one is me as warrior vs a thief.


@Nyte how does this game end?
How do you win?
I get close to the center, and then I get teleported out.
Instructions unclear.

tomorrow evening?

But the 6 pack and give it out mb

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I'm down for tomorrow evening if someone's willing to gift it

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I'm in but if this game takes too long just kill me.

Ni :b: :b: A you don't have one dollar?

Iā€™m not even home yet from work I apologize

You don't have one to give me?

What time are we talking about

Sorry I wasn't feeling good tonight. Would still like to play a game.

fiasco is some good shit

my dnd group was missing a couple players so we did that instead


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You guys wasted my dollar



-- nothing

precisely, there was no response or indication that you'd be getting the game and playing

also i've been getting home at 10pm every night so

I can play again in two weeks

10pm is wild though I'll be in Michigan waking up at 7 that's not gonna work

is anyone interesting in playing a game rn?