Bothersom Pigs

Wait can I go to Canada to get my tooth extracted and shit

Khaliwear, you don’t make enough money to care about taxes so please shut it.

No dental aint free unless u a refugee. So maybe. I know some USA black dude tried to claim refugee statues in Canada a few years back

You know that Canadian healthcare is head and shoulders above American health care, it’s just that rich people will pick something that costs more because it makes them feel important

Sounds to me like you’re jealous because you’re poor and can’t afford a trip to the dentist office, but not poor enough to qualify for the refugee plan.

Because of the American health care system I was misdiagnosed for 3 years and my leg turned black. Love the private sector.

How can anyone claim refugee status in canada? Youve managed to cross an entire fucking ocean just fuck off to somewhere closer to wherever you got fucking bombed in

that would be Turkey

no its not. Our basic services if you break your arm and shit they do that good. Our hospitals are over crowded, and used improperly by 3rd worlders with the sniffls.

Our doctors are over taxed, underpaid, and over worked, a lot are leaving ontario.

There is no way a socialised healthcare system can provide better then a private one. If you have the money or the insurance your doctors are superior.

But yes Ive seen those usa dr bills that shit is fucked for a brken leg or arm if no insurance.

a bunch are flying in to the usa and walking across the Canadian border in Quebec. Or just running over into Canada now

That’s not true.

I dont know about you guys but this guy seems to know what he's talking about.

4 million and counting.
we welcome our sand niqger brothers with arms wide open

Can I go to Turkey?

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change my mind

i really dont know the legalities involved in getting a residence / working visa or permit.
Though i imagine should not be too hard considering you have some amount of property to your name.

we can even arrange you a citizenship doing you in with a beautiful turkish virgin with that sexy face of yours.

That actually could be very true, healthcare for all workers here is free and i regularly see whole families flocking into hospital lobbies because they have nothing to do for the afternoon and book random med-exes. :cryinglaughingemoji:

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Sounds like something addressable and not really a reason to shit on good national healthcare

you cant address this stuff. Society just lowers the bar.