Brooodwar Remastered

Fucking smurfing Koreans. Each one is 200-400apm and im playing at 85

just spam

I only play this for customs and it’s dead now

Nah there is still games just low level ranked is ded

I try to rush Im getting closer and closer I'll best one of these 300apm fucks one day

No I’m saying customs are dead so I won’t play your game

Been playing that game for over 2 decades for customs and these days 50+% of the ones hosted in NA require you speak Korean. BW remastered but they still couldn’t figure out how to display moon runes on machines that don’t support the language so it’s unreadable and unplayable

I play for the competitive not some ■■■ ass homosexual custom. There is only 1 custom I remember that was dope but past that gay

Yeah you’re just another ignorant fool who has no idea how good they are because you haven’t played them. Shrimple

Nah I have they're meh. WC3 had best map editor

can you link it? The starcraft editor is probably a lot better than youre aware because everyone uses a modded version of it to make maps. it allows you to add 4 more player slots so you can use an NPC CPU slot for placeholder models to signal like what units youre buying. And thats 1 of the 100 features it adds

Wtf do you mean link it? And I haven't experienced new age custom maps just the ones from aeons ago

yeah dumbass so have i

u dont know what ur talkin about so stop talkin...

Apologies. As an apology gift I have a new ai photo for your team.


■■■ with the mod team

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customs are for low iq sissy boys that cant compete

Judging by your OP, you should try some customs


Nah must beat these smurfing fucks

wrong thread donkey