Cant wait till i get my unvaccinated band from the goverment

Reddit is fine

This explains a lot actually

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maybe on here, but if I'm not happy to converse with people who are different from me or have different takes, I feel like that's a bad thing and just ends up reinforcing whatever poor beliefs I could have

Reddit is definitely not fine

reddit commenters are deranged and sometimes you can see the effects of too much reddit commenting leak through in posts by osiris, insom, dan, asoul, etc

I only read /r/cryptocurrency /r/science and /r/cumsluts

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Sometimes /r/minnesota

If you dropped /r/science and just never read it again it would benefit you immensely

reddit has made me realize the depth of my hate for argumentative smug nerds

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/r/cryptocurrency is definitely one of the lowest quality subreddits.

I go there to get angry

though argumentative smug idiots are still worse a lot of the time

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i dont comment on reddit unless it's related to technicals, or even read any comments related to this shit for the reasons you describe lol

describing me/others as a redditor is a funny and probably accurate notion though I'll give you that. I bet osiris doesn't browse reddit

I mean /r/science being on the front page probably implies it’s basically controlled by corporate advertising interests

No idea what's on the front page

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/r/science is

yea youre probably right

If you’re going to front page subreddits you’re a quack

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Plot twist I definitely spend the most time on reddit than any of those people iaafr listed

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Probably like 2 hours per day