Card Games General

LOL I don’t care. I have money.

Dumb response. They can make money without resorting to an archaic business model. Hearthstone proved that


sometimes when i think of ewizard i take a large fart, i wonder why that is

Mono blue is going to be r/artifact’s version of r/dota2’s support thing

Wait and see

@sdadasdas Rate the game - NOW.



  • Feels very interactive, many decisions to make on any given turn (as opposed to other card games where you often only have one obvious choice)
  • Draft feels fun and games are varied
  • Wins are heavily based on mind-games and predicting the other player’s play, as opposed to following your own structured win condition


  • Pretty expensive game give you don’t go infinite
  • Too much RNG (out of place)
  • Constructed lacks variety (clear choices on best heroes and to a lesser degree cards, this can be fixed easily by balancing, I still find it fun though)
  • Lack of mulligan and tutoring makes the game very draw dependent in some cases, and amplifies the hero importance even further


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Are you sure about this though? They made it free.

Also I think the game just needs more heroes and it would be 10/10 but idk.

Yeah you can play with your friends for free, which is nice. It’s pretty expensive if you want to collect the cards though

I already posted this.

If you want 4 of every card it will be expensive, but if you just want a few good decks, you should be able to sell your extras and lame cards and not spend that much.

i thought the Goy Club Asoul Minds thought this was supposed 2 be a joke

i think it’s the best multiplayer card game out rn in terms of gameplay and strategic depth, maybe eternal (+ keyforge) are up there. all my losses i can pinpoint “i should’ve done less stupid shit” instead of “oh lol didnt draw wild growth on 2 and lost a rag flip”

i went 11-0 in perfect keeper drafts and somehow gained $200 (maybe $300 if i can sell after my steam guard authentication is done) from putting in $110.

then i lost my first draft ever and the next game and now i think the game’s shit

all the decks kinda feel repetitive and staid so i dunno how much lasting power the game has outside feeling like a genius when you make brilliant plays

thronebreaker was oldschool gwent legit aside from piss poor difficulty

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I am going to give u a nice earnest post and in exchange I hope you will join our draft tournament tonight

All of the artifact threads we made

Artifact Release Party
11/29/18 NA DOTA Artifact Phantom Draft Tournament
Artifact Tournament Tonight
NaMafia Official Artifact Tournament (12/2 - 8:00PM)

Recommended reading: all of my posts

I’m playing it and having a good time. Jury’s still out on whether it will be fun/worth playing in the long run. They are doing a lot of shit that’s different and I like the idea of being different but not sure yet if it’s going to succeed.

For example, de-emphasizing constructed means some of the issues you had in other games with boring and samey ladders are going to be mitigated. Balance concerns are less because 1 broken card that would be played 3 times in every constructed deck might only pop up once every 5-10 games in draft.

I like the push toward more social/sitting around table playing physical card game feel. I have played nightly draft tournaments with these guys since the game went up. Lost all of those but my opponents were people whom literally just played the game all day wed-thurs-fri

The tournaments are fun

I have also spent no money whatsoever on this and believe that makes me a better person than you

0 packs opened - only being used for keeper draft

I’m at 5 tix and 16 packs or something after 2 drafts

Conclusion: yea it’s alright haven’t really formed an opinion yet. Come play tourn

I heard about thronebreaker (that it was actually good) but just haven’t had the interest to play. Sad that CDPR ruined their game - every time I look at this dumb fucking Axe art I think how superior gwent was with its vilgefortzes and shit

every deck i draft feels the exact same cause its basically “do i get a good red hero” or “do i get enough cards to make blue playable” and the answers always “no” and “splash i guess” cause people pass the most insane green shit for 0 discernable reason

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didnt play gwent im a card game ape who occasionally plays EDH but at least i can draft the same G/B/u deck and go infinite

How Gwent Can Become The BEST Card Game
23h ago by Freddybabes