Ching Chong

my gf told me about IG yesterday she said that they have a meme about him in china because someone took a picture of him eating a hotdog in one bite so they make memes of him eating hotdogs now or something honestly the Chinese meme game is pretty equal to ours. She showed me a video and it was like the original super Mario but Mario was the owner of IG and that first section where u head butt on the block and get a mushroom was instead actually a giant hotdog that the character would eat and have the hotdog in their mouth


my gf doesn’t even play games she just said she went on WeChat and everyone’s stories were like “go IG” and she had no idea what IG was

now that they won the league championship or whatever I guess more Chinese people are learning about vidya gaems

Fun fact: he’s the only son of the richest man in china

im jelly

Even if you think Chinese people are the most racist people in the world, that doesn’t excuse a person making racist remarks at others.

Chinese are running a great scam they even have ironstove’s feels all wound up

Lol ok bootlicker

racism is only wrong when americans do it.
the real truth is there is nothing wrong with racism.

Good arguments, all around.

Your mother now is in the crematorium and is medium!!!

How dare u fight with chinese gamer?!

Apparently there is some big thing where the Chinese are banning these two players from China major - expecting some additional drama from Valve now

i cant find the article there is a ton out there. It basically said the Chinese doto public didnt know this was an insult and had to be told to be offended. This shit is such a farce its beyond belief.

Can’t wait to throw hands in Shanghai for ti9


Im Japanese Recently Chinese con-artists tried to contact us with Japanese texting app like whatsapp But Japanese know how to handle Chinese thugs Just texting em back june 4th Tiananmen Square massacre in Chinese languge六四天安門 事件 Then BOOM! That poor Chinese guy’s internet access is cut out by CCP You can try this when Chinese harass you online

his door bell goes ding dong, his daughter’s name is ling long, his favorite game is ping pong, BUT DONT YOU FUCKING DARE SAY CHING CHONG.

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