Choose my title poll

  • your friend
  • ■■■■■■
  • in love
  • your socialist neighbor
  • girl with penis
0 voters

i want a title, only serious answers please :smile:

These all aren’t good enough

Combine any 2 from the list and it’s sufficient

In love with girl with penis

your socialist faggot neighbor

interesting answers so far, thank you for participating

You’re gay

your loving socialist penis

Your gay socialist neighbor?

you’re gay friend

Your wrong

Your gay, friend

You’re, gay friend

You’re gay @Friend

1 Like

Is it possible to be a Nazi communist? Cus that’s me

Bigly looking forward to the coming surge of Jeb memes

we’re tied here with socialism and penis, not sure if i like where this is going but i’m not a pussy ye done know

Lol your right