Couldnt play sorry fell asleep

who wanna help me set up this next one

not doing it solo but if anyone volunteers i will WOrk :hammer_and_wrench:

What game? I’m up to help.

If u For Serious I would like to do another quakeworld one in several weeks or next month, since it’s completely free and anyone can run it. If you have another suggestion of something as accessible as that I’d be open ears

i’ll have to get rora to set us up a server, i actually kind of want him to set up a reflex one as well

Quakeworld is great but i dont know if its the most popular game around here - of course we could play it again but variety is always welcome. If theres nothing else then sure.

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I don’t really have any ideas for Free games to be quite honest.

yeah me neither all videogames are bad nowadays

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wc3r will be the community night renaissance

Why dont we just do wc3 now?

i’m down, i just need to find a TFT key

can we still use or do we need to use 3rd party client for everyone to play together? I haven’t done that in nearly 10 years

we can use battlenet if we all have keys. I have a spare set of keys (game and tft).

If you can’t find your key you could use mine, but then the roc key will not be used.

lemme check my battlenet shit

You download the latest version from battlenet and it asks for your keys - you don’t need the disc.

yeah if you have the keys registered to your acc you would find them somewhere on the site

yeah seems i actually have RoC and the xpac linked to my original so i should be good to go

It looks like your link to was already posted in the topic by @slowdive in a reply on Nov 10, '18 – are you sure you want to post it again?


perfect - I think after some recent patch they made it so you don’t even need a hostbot to host games, it just hosts on their servers or something.
Make a new thread and get as many people as possible? Make sure to put wc3 in the title.

Actually we would still end up using the host bot anyway for the maps