Holy SHIT that big one is going to be a challenge

bro thats the biggest car home i ever seen

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what the fuck is wrong with you.


Anything involving the butt is not right. His, hers, whatever. Even looking at that photo on the internet is not right

I fit the biggest one on the first try. It felt so incredible. I came in 5 seconds without porn. Just the feeling of a giant toy inside my ass

if you were truly pure like kim jong un your body would produce no waste

When I jerk off. I think of all of the degenerates on this website

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actual peepee poopoo energy


That made me lol

thanks plasma

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getting drunk be making me wanna risk it all. father forgive me

Feels like I got punched in the balls man some of these women stare into your eyes while you're dancing and worse one of them is talking to me after saying some shit about how "it's like you're seeing the person's soul" (I was already afraid of her because of her intense eye contact)

There's a guy who dances with his eyes closed think i'm going to start doing that

really difficult to not baby react every post in this thread except kat's

Women are really a major issue. Huge obstacle when it comes to retaining your life force. And don't even try to explain this stuff to one of them, they have all sorts of reasonings and explanations to try to talk you out of it. Not a good influence

Have you tried not being a midget who is near-eye-level with women.


YIKES! That's the real confession here!

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Good point. I should wear tall shoes so their eyes can't reach

Hey how's it going?