Contacted 2000 sponsors and nothing

No promo code or affiliate link set up means you just got some promotional goods for free and that's it. nice job.

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thats all i want right now, free stuff. Do you see any other esports tema with promo codes? no thats for influencers, im running a soy scam here.

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Promoting shit for free is for losers that stay losers. You just suck at this. You will never succeed at this.

Everyone else here can forget how much of a loser piece of shit you are for the meme and I get it. It's fun. But you rubbed me the wrong way a long time ago and I aint forgetting it. Now I'm happy being me while you desperately email thousands of companies to get some peanut butter.


What do you mean by this? What did plasma ever do to you?

Hubert Doobert must HATE quail eggs.

QUAIL_DEFENDER has logged on. You can't get away with this ABUSE of such a BEAUTIFUL BIRD. Return the eggs or else

i know ur low iq, u just want quick satisfaction and can't fathom my gypsy long game

bruh he big mad iunno i think we are witnessing what the streets call a hater

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your long game is transitioning into a woman with all the soyslop you're going to be eating


my tits are gonna get so uuuugh i am the soy boy now loud and proud

Your long game is this. You have already been at it for long. It has been years and years since you were spinning signs in the streets. And now you've finally achieved it: PEANUT BUTTER!

You're a loser and you will never succeed at this. Esports orgs come out of nowhere because of stupid venture capitalists and influencers. Not from some quail farming sign spinning rise-and-grind eNtRePrEnEuR. Persistence doesn't get you anything but a box of peanut butter. Give up.


You spent all that time on the old forums talking big shit about people like me and many others here for being in school and getting ordinary jobs. About how you were gunna make it and we were suckers. You then turned around to those same people to have them cheer you on and meme #plasma.

But here we are years later. Now I have a nice modest living and a fulfilling job in a cool new place. And you're spamming emails for peanut butter. You are a loser. Give up.

big mad

Hopefully a bread company replies next so you can make a sandwich.


I get it now. Huber wanted to be the "gaming org guy" but gave it all up to live a "proper" life (sex tourism in japan). Now he flames Plasma because he can't bear to see the guy happy doing what he wanted to do despite the fact that he is questionably even successful. Plasma is happily chasing a dream huber once had and huber is pulling the crab in the bucket thing

When I was young and had dreams there were a million people there to tell me to just be reasonable and give up that silly nonsense. I don't know that I listened but it definitely affected me. If plasma seems obnoxious it's because in order to hang on to a dream like this you have to develop such a hard-headed belief in yourself that you can keep going even when the people whose opinions you value most are telling you to just give up and go have sex with asian women in Japan.

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Sorry Huber but how many dota teams have you had with TI winners on them?

nah i want a drink company next. I now have a sponsor that gives me a source of protein.

Would love some freeze dried fruit company or something else for fiber

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My man is getting his meals PAID for by companies foaming out the mouth trying to get that esports money. What are YOU doing Huber?

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i love you man