what did he post?
It was a revealing image of another user.
wow that is very not poggers imho
jones has been on a bit of an unpoggers like streak since he announced his marriage
I should do steroids
that is very fucking poggers, nice arm bud
if you do just do test, don't fuck around with tren or dbol or anything like that
my take away re steroids from when i browsed /fit/ a lot is if you just do test at a reasonable dose + get regular blood tests you can be safe, anything that comes in pill form is to be disregarded, thats about all the advice i have
doesnt look like you need them tbh
Youre right they need me hahaha
i love these simple quick and cheap recipes, i'm not trying to make braised oxtail at home
this guy owns
that looks raw n boring n gay cuz ur the gay
It's supposed to be raw mr polish refugee
If youre a good boy ill show you the final project