they have more flavour and less liquid (exactly what you want for that type of dish)
literally any pasta sauce recipe will also reccomend canned tomatoes specifically because they have more flavour
so youre wrong on both fronts
did someone send that to you? dont you hate hot sauce? lmao
No i bought it. Youve lost the plot
No he uses sriracha on everything like some weirdo from 2013
I like Valentina for the flavor however the lack of spice concerns me
Just drink vinegar you guys would get the same taste
i have more spicy stuff d/w
I used to drink vinegar
like a tablespoon of apple cider to settle your stomach?
I use siracha on most things :(
no like pour that shit in a glass and sip on it like some fine whiskey
fried hot dogs, baked beans and coleslaw is about the best ratio of effort / flavour u can get outta food
I fucking killed them rewatered and they all died. I still cant get tomatos to grow indoors blyat.