Sorry your dog can only have 1 child.


That was revoked. Can have two dog now.

Moment of weakness. Scum lean.

do we know what symptoms the virus gives? slowdive is awake at midnight which is quite unusual.

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I have a question. For this picture of our glorious island, we have see picture of three AFrica Americans. But, our [REDACTED] wikipedia [REDACTED] says racial our makeup is of 100% whiteness. Please @_jdance Is the Party telling lies to citizens [REDACTED]

My sleep schedule is ever evolving.

this many spent a whole week with the exact same sleep schedule and now it's evolving?

mutating?? you know i heard the of something thats been mutating recently.......

oh fuck oh geeze

I'm fucking CLEAN 上帝该死的美国告诉我爱我的祖国中国,我讨厌日冕病毒

slowdive have thick accent, hard to understand.. he not from here..

i think he infect us from laboratory?

i am from the region of wuh- uhhh shaanxi friend. i grow rice and own three goat

Glorious chinese media tells us the virus came from USA

no i seen u with a bat yesterday

yes american use laboratory in wuhan. i think slowdive eat batman

Have you been working with the CIA?

u can hear his accent man he fake

I would never work with any disgusting counter-revolutionary imperialist pigs. Long live Mao and long live the revolution brothers. Let us find the scum and wipe this virus out as Mao did the landlords and songbirds.

he speak like american here

this man push me but i am hard worker i boat from same island as him. . . why this man push me I WILL KARATE CHOP U MOTHAFUCKAA

slowdive always sleep real early to go work in laboratory in morning

but now virus hit and he awake all night?

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why you know where i am from? how u get this information? u know too much slowdive. u not chinaman you american CIA