I don't know how scum hasn't won by now if I didn't block Nyte.

This is a very easy game to win as scum if I don't block anyone.

Pairing me with ayaya shows that because I tried to kill him like 3 days in a row

i psoted 2 infected already, check if its wrong

If there are two infected in this game, please claim so I can go afk.


If it wasn't Kyle+Slowdive (impossible at this point) or Kyle+Nyte D1 then you guys have taken the pranks too far.

This poster needs to be branded a goyclub after this game too

Going to bed now sorry if I post late

Can you explain why you think slowdive is SK?

Undecided atm between slowdive/krazykat

This is interesting

Slowdive has also thought that you could be SK quite a few times

Yea but krazykat posted that flawed game solve

I was also very sure you were SK at SOD on D3.


Start of day

Well do you think im sk now?

You are 0% green, 90% Nyte's partner, 10% SK.

Then that makes it simpler doesnt it, if im red you just have to roleblock me