cruelty squad

schizo masterpiece

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Looks sick

Postmodern game full of cool mechanics, funny dialogue, a wide array of missions with plenty to discover, and a story that tries to accomplish more than most AA games. You collect organs to trade on the black market, can go fishing, own your own home, funny stuff like that. Missions kinda play out like Hitman/Deus ex mixed

My only complaints are how ugly the menu is ("it's intended!") and the AI being super garbage sometimes. I can't play this game for more than a half hour at times but it's the most interesting game I've played in years.

Feels Kafkaesque and I've had a friend call it a Deleuzian nightmare, if those labels sound appealing to you I'd check it out

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I'm definitely gonna download it this week. Thanks


lemem know if you need any tips because the early game can be difficult

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did airhogs become a developer when he left washington?

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finally got the last ending on the highest difficulty fo rthis game. was very good :)

and just in time for dunkey to drop a video on this game so the fanbase can get ruined

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You should be making babies not gaming

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good game love immersive sims

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