CulturedUrbanite VideoGame Selects.


Thanks for calling the game Garbage by the way.
That's what I get for not following the modern agile UX design tutorials I suppose.

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Nice how much money did you make? $1000?

Lucky/Overpowered combinations of items and spells is the only explanation.

I don't do it for the money.

For the bitches

I would imagine nmagane does it for similar reasons that einstein studied the universe


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I have been interested in indie games and game design for decades - I just wanted to try it out and see how it goes.

For the record, these "weirdos" aren't just sorting by new - that's not how Stream traffic works.
The majority of traffic comes from Steam itself recommending the game to people as part of the "Discovery Queue", while also featuring the game as part of the ongoing puzzle event.

Roguelikes are an extremely popular genre on Steam, and the algorithm is very highly personalized.


I believe if you went full turbo autismo mode and tapped into that twisted wretched place in your mind you could probably create something weirdos on /v/ would enjoy playing however this would take you likely a year or more to develop it to a playable stage and I don’t think you have the ability to focus your autistic talents enough to have the motivation to do something like that

I’m thinking something similar to dwarf fortress where it is some super detailed and niche style of game that only weirdo mega nerds want to play/enjoy playing it

Also considering you wrote this game in C# I don’t know if you have the programming ability either

Just spend 3 bucks and play the game before you bitch about it.
WTF is wrong with you?

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I could care less about making something people enjoy - that is only the side result of making something I think would be interesting/fun to make.
Jewels was just a fun project to work on first and foremost, as it was a community/group effort of theorizing, testing, and brainstorming with my good friends of the teamspeak and forum.

Besides, I'm not sure where this obsession with 4chan culture you guys have comes from, considering I have no connections whatsoever to /v/ or whatever else niche group of "le gamers".

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Let me know what language to use next.
What do you write in?

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i didn't call Your Game garbage. you lil gaslighter

thats how i read it sorry

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The genre thing is a good point. I failed to consider it