CulturedUrbanite VideoGame Selects.

The game is probably fine im just explaining what ESL means

I actually didn't believe any of the teamspeak had the dedication to do something like this. It is honestly impressive and one of the best achievements of anyone on the forum

We should also congratulate nmagane on no longer being NEET - since he made $200 he is now officially a Professional Game Developer.

You literally met jones in dota 2 /vg/ in houses

I will never give any money to the Egyptian or any of his cronies

Unless it’s to jones and he agrees to some type of life ruining contract

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Lisp and I use eMacs exclusively

This is how you look when you're trying to talk about programming:

Please get some self awareness - even if you're trolling it's still embarrassing.

you obviously never took the time to learn eMacs and it shows

It’s ok bro keep using visual studio you’ll get there one day

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What twitter pages do you follow for your latest hip programmer troll memes?


It’s amazing your only concept of eMacs is from shitty memes, maybe you should try using it

My dad forced me to learn scheme from that blue book and forced me to use eMacs when I was 15 FYI

programming-slave nmaGane bringing bastardized editions of my grand ideas into the world.

can't believe morons enjoy this crap.

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here's another $2100 revenue dollar game idea:

but as a zach-like

looking at some steam avatars on the reviews: it makes a bit more sense.

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No - that's your only concept of emacs.
Your "Dad" didn't "force" you to learn anything when "you were 15" - You are simply an attention seeking Ameritard.
Nothing you say about programming has any value - it's as if I was trying to talk about the differences between traditional and simplified Chinese.
Keep seeking - there's a reason so many people here have you on their block list.


Thanks - I wouldn't say it's a bastardized version, because it's a completely different game at this point. Just in the same general genre.

The original idea brainstormed in TS being "bejeweled roguelike with raytracing graphics" might've been good and would probably still do okay.

You should make it, you should also finish your other game projects. I just went for something that I thought was more fun personally.

The final version was a mix of everyone's ideas - you certainly helped, but at that point it was really just up to me to make something good enough with all the scattered thoughts.
I think the concept of every enemy being a different match-3 mini-puzzle was enough to make the game not qualify as "stolen" idea.

I do concede that the open art library is a bit "bastardized" - but none of us can make good game art so what can you do... Too poor to afford real art.

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