CulturedUrbanite VideoGame Selects.

3beating a dead horse and also cringey but could you consider doing some stuff in the future like
Press R to reset, Enter/space to Continue, show 2 buttons on victory: Next (green) And Retry (black)

Already in.

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ah okay it def helps with the dang camping one

This is also already in so Idk why youre saying it

Seems to me like youre trolling


no when i played yesterday when i was successful id brainlessly click that bottom button which normally would take you to the next puzzle but that button would instead restart me. I figured out I had to press the right arrow to do the next one. I'm probably just dumb :)

i wouldnt troll on these things, just trying to help

You pressed the button that said "Retry" thinking it'd take you to the next game yes

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Yeah you made the Call to Action retry on a successful screen when no puzzle game does that

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It's not a puzzle game it's a mafia game.

If you're not getting the best rank you should retry. Although maybe it should be hidden if you do.

The rank system is still incomplete regardless, it will be incorporating dustforce style progression.

Guess I won't play until the Dustforce system is in place as it would be pointless to try otherwise.

It just seems pointless to play until the dustforce system is implemented

I didn't want to lock any levels behind higher ranks in the first demo so everyone can have the full experience.
The ranks are still displayed, saved, and shown so you can still brag about getting all S.

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I see. Actually I prefer that way, I think locking levels is a forced/artificial gameplay mechanic. You can achieve the same effect while still allowing players to play the game their own way/on their own track by making it clear (from the UI) that the later levels are the "advanced" ones

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This progression concept is used in some very highly-acclaimed games such as Sekiro/souls series. Bosses/areas that you might be underleveled/insufficiently mechanically prepared for are accessible before you are ready, it remains to the player to realize or decide that he is not ready and to come back later.

This created some of my favorite moments in Sekiro because it allows the player to defy expectations/forge his own path by, for example, challenging lady butterfly as soon as she becomes available. The experience of doing things you're supposedly not ready for and succeeding is very rewarding

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Sick dogwhistling bro


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