I don't know how else to explain this.
you cannot gather the quality of the game from a few toprak videos on your steam page, and moreover, you are completley incapable of making that judgmeent as the creator of the game.
Literally why do you think I'm putting up demos every other week
you aren't going to put up a demo on the steam page. there's not going to be a link to the demo on the steam page.
that's the obvious solution: hasn't been mentioned once.
I can do that right now; of course. The main issue with that is the steam page is more invisible than the itch one.
I am not allowed to link external sites on the steam page however.
yeah that's convenient. there's little issue with putting your shit game (1 anonymous agdg review) on steam if you lower the infromation assymetry to the level of a demo on the page.
but at that point your game is so simple that you're going to need to make it a bible clone.;
The AGDG review actually said it was "fun enough to play" - I could also put my game demo on Kongregate, CrazyGames.Com, or whatever other sites allow me to upload webgl builds.
Calling it "information asymmetry" isn't that honest considering I was planning on putting up a steam demo either way (There can be no negatives from this, you cannot downvote a steam demo page)
Itch was simply the fastest way to get feedback
What did AVG say
there's just nothing there: the difference between this and a slightly defective basket is immense (the game has zero marginal cost)
if you're going to say "internet storefrnts" are post-scarcity you can't say that physical products are anytihng like zero marginal cost products.
now if all the characters and enemies were soyjaks, the gems were soyjak gems, etc. the game would have enough substance to be sold.
Your game isn't "handcrafted" - it's like saying the engineer who stamps out the design for the robot made car is "handcrafted" - your product exists in the zero-marginal-cost arena.
It was in a response to your ethical comparison, not financial.
Either way, I also feel like you saying "there's just nothing there" about the game is kind of disingenuous considering you know very little about it and its current state, plus you are clearly not someone who would like "indie roguelikes" or "bejeweled games".
the market for this isn't anything like that, it's a physical machine in a mall that you put a quarter into and a 8 year old plays for 10 minutes while his mom returns an item.
which is a mobile game.