Day 1 - Don't play this set up it's bad

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters

Not Voting

electrowizard, bazingaboy, osiris, LuckyArtist, DiendaMahdik, gwez, Friend, ian, iaafr,

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5


your attacks wont work on me

@faZ mafiabot won't record my vote

Vote iaafr

come back in 20 years

Option 1:
-no lynch and bs vests me
-tomorrow we have 8 alive with 60% chance of retaining both PRs
-shot puts us at 7 (odd numbers are optimal in open setups without additional kp)

Option 2:
-we Lynch/let mafia fish and risk outing PRs
-cop gets hooked and we have no information for the rest of the game
-ewiz accepts no responsibility


Why is this not possible under option 1?

@mafiabot vote no lynch

Why do you troll mafia games

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters

Not Voting

electrowizard, bazingaboy, osiris, LuckyArtist, DiendaMahdik, gwez, Friend, ian, iaafr,

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5


@faz me vote no lynch

Me too

we vote, at 1 from hammer the sheriff shoots, and then we vote again
this is the best strat so mafia cant link up
@faz lynch gwez

I you make an additional post in this game I will shoot you without remorse

you wont pussy boy

if ian doesnt shoot me this instant he is scum
@faz lynch ian

It seems that @mafiabot is broken.

Please do all votes at @faZ for now.

@Roragok Please fix this shit.

the bot is trying to commit suicide please respect its decision