Trying to ward as pos5 when your teammates have only ever played cores and dont understand they need to cover you while position 4 is farming his blink dagger is the horror minigame built into dota
The Fact that you say this is why you shouldn't be allowed cummies and anal from daddy for a week.
get a job
Won't be any streams for a while. Jones got humiliated in intellectual debate again - Brendan and I revealed that he's only Divine 1 (same rank as me) instead of Divine 3, and he had nothing to say in retort! Hahahaha.
is topcobb trolling or is it just a massive cope?
i understand hitting creeps is hard but doing stuff effectively during the time when no one has any items is harder. it's probably just a low iq misunderstanding where cobbman is effectively admitting he doesn't understand how to play support so he finds it easy
Topcope hahahaha
I'll "recalibrate" right now if you promise to kill yourself when I "calibrate" to the exact same medal.
If you win most of your games it's possible.
But you were undoubtedly playing lower rank games than Divine 3 in your 3 games that you already played.
Bro I can't recalibrate because valve is going to steal 1000 of my MMR!!!
Complete fucking moron.
I said you'll be at most 200 lower lol.
Yeah bro "recalibration" is when they reset the k-factor on your ELO. You lose more than 30 MMR every game XD
it's not to reset the medal because the medal displayed is "the highest you've achieved the entire season".
enjoy no nmaGane 2023 because it's "intellectual humiliation" to entertain some animal like you.
cmon dont be petty you guys are great together
Going to have to duo queue with Chris for two months because if I recalibrate now I'm going to end up with 4200 MMR like I had in 2016.
What are you trying to say? You literally linked the games and they were lower rank.
I don't see why you're so angry when we both say the same thing and agree on the same thing.
I uninstalled dota yesterday after getting raped as Invoker against Dual Mid Lina OD, bought midas travels , and forgot I was playing the hardest role in the game because I have to literally rape and not farm in every game because of do-nothing JCrispy and Brendan.
That's the hardest role in the game: whatever role I'm playing because if I don't rape my lane and pace the entirety of the game it's just over because toprak, jcrispy, and brendan are do-nothings.
im sure you were doing fine if you bought midas travels. probably would have been worse if it was a solo od