Denizens of - What is your IQ?

There definitely isn’t. Similar to you I’m around 120, I don’t do much coding but years of playing dota and talking to friends on steam discord skype etc. has led me to a relatively high WPM.

I don’t have a computer only this phone.

Computer science is mathematics you dumb fuck

You’re wrong

I said IT not computer science .

Can you read ?

so u want to be a consultant skid LOL

Don’t need math to RE

There’s no hope for low IQersp


This conversation is very pointless. I could finish the entire world of math on Khan academy in under a year.


I mean, I guess you technically don’t, even the type of questions people ask you about what type of objects are mutable/immutable or where the pointer of a pointer is heading to. If you’re going to do something like call the genetic algorithm function from a library, all you have to do is read the docs and know what needs to go where and plug and chug to figure out what are the best coefficients to lock in, but people want to hire someone who understands how a constraint solver is built, how it is working and what could be wrong /needs to be debugged and changed if and when things are not working correctly, right? Otherwise what’s the point of paying someone all that money.


LMAO isn’t that through like calc II? Yeah, at your age it should only take a few months

I don’t think this test is very accurate


It’s calc with all the weird signs next to it

Sigmà maybe?

Integral and differential calc? Is that hard?