Disabled people having children

Luck of the draw

The state mines all of your gelbooru tags and Xnxx comments and makes sure to exclude anyone meeting those qualifications. In the future people will be into mythical synthetic sex symbols that have no gender and like 14 dicks and 12 disassociated holes sticking out of a giant boob

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In the future true equality will occur. There are monthly quotas where your time spent being the active partner in sex must match the time spent being the passive partner. If there is a minute discrepancy you are executed.

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In the future the ugly people get to wear burqas too

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In the future there’s no joing allowed. People who have an issue with the law line up in front of a methadone clinic to get blue balled by a hairy lunchlady

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In the future there is a dmv but they tattoo your license on your cock. You have to wait in the dmv without pants

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If they renew your license it’s lasered off. Women can’t drive in the future because they’re allowed to zip around in hover boards

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big fan of eugenics

all the eugenic-sey Reddit people are probably pretty bad human specimens

no shit :thinking: