I've been getting recommended ski videos recently and I'm noticing this bizarre trend.
First one I saw was this:
In which they've transparently edited in mario and luigi sounds every time the skiers go off a jump. You can tell about by about halfway through the video because they start recycling sounds. One particular "Woohoohoo!" is used 3 or 4 times in the video and it has a really uncanny valley feeling.
Then today I got recommended this video:
2 minutes in this weirdo's making live commentary sounds like the guy behind the camera in a porno.
I've been skiing before and I never made any sounds. I was focused on going down the hill.
Do these people also drive around town in their cars and go like "Yessss!" as they take a turn? 2 dollars off because the tube of tomato paste was on sale at whole foods and they go "CHA-CHING!" at the register?
Starting this thread to understand if I am weirdo for just enjoying things quietly or if this is this a new disease brought on by the video blogger era and the spread of online pornography
I have conversations with myself a lot and reinact arguments I have had with people by myself on a regular basis and get into a screaming match with them so I guess to a certain degree I do the same thing as you