looks kinda lame imo but iunno.
apparently u get 2 lvls max per week as well. so basically u can get like 10 levls total lmaooo
looks kinda lame imo but iunno.
apparently u get 2 lvls max per week as well. so basically u can get like 10 levls total lmaooo
Golden roshan winner LFG
oh wow i’m lvl 500 so i can get 4!!! levels per week!!!
they’re actually so insanely cheap on battepass levels it’s insane lmao. i’ve already spent like $100 on this dumb thing
a ton of levels are bugged. just ran into one myself. rizzrack aka a boss just timberchains to other levels u and u cant access those levels so u cant win :)
alright ive played like 5 games.
30minutes = like 300 Battle Pass points. I can earn 4,000. So basically u gotta grind the fuck outta this gamemode to get.... 2 levels or 3, or 4, depending on your battle pass level LMAO
rewards r pretty shit and the game mode is very unbalanced -- you'd figure creep clear in a wave clearing game would be good but really single target is better bc the mini-mobs die so fast while the big mobs die mega slow
oh u alos only get to play 10 heroes out of like 130
what a big oof
ok i beat this thing and almost beat it 2 times before.
it really is just about what heroes u pick lol
snapfire is actually mega busted on last boss bc u have a dmg phase and her E fits right into it, plus mobility of her W
sniper best carry
omni best tank
snapfire busted on last boss
too bad no one here plays dota so none of this MATTERS
cleared first 3 modes
where was my invite? how come u never invite me to PLAY
i cleared 1st game mode, almost cleared 2nd twice. i only play with randoms so theres that.
LMFAO didn't happen to me
there's more than 1 mode?