
Whoa cactus still plays?

the yearly “anybody play this game?” nadota thread

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It’s a good bait thread to post about anything too. We can talk about shit nobody cares about like we totally don’t enjoy the same pizza toppings or political views

and the general consensus is always no

ive played like once or twice since talents were added

i feel like ist still fun playing unranked with homies

solo queue sucks/being bad at someting you used to be okay at sucks


mostly just play civ and mlee but ive been playign wya less melee

How do you play civ and not maniacally run at your friends with barbarians 5 minutes in

everyone in my friend group has gone through a phase of that at some point

but you kinda stop doing that after a while cuz it basicaly just makes the game dumb longterm

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I don’t plan anything more than 5 minutes ahead, ever.

Uh oh what happened

I hit a point where winning was no longer fun. I loved the challenge of winning, but I just got so good and too good at the meta that it no longer became fun.

I found myself playing the worst builds just to challenge myself.

: /



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When I play I only play turbo tho

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i still haven’t played since turbo i dont thinkg but i was the apem master when i was 16

and by master i mean i sucked but holy shit i thought my rikiw as good

Valve should care more about dota or it will die soon. (self.DotA2)

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I’m just gonna go to bed maybe tomorrow Forrest chan