dotakyles mafia 2020


Yeah I think we need at least 2 more.

i would love for at least 2 more but idk who to ping

I'll look into recruiting for this over the weekend.

if you guys are okay waiting then maybe Gamut can grab us some extra players.

def think itll be more fun if we can find some people

I can wait. Gamut has some cool Mafia friends.
@anon82208883 Any idea about the setup?


i can play


it'll be fairly vanilla, maybe a doctor/cop or something basic.

we're at 7 now with bazinga

Does the mafiabot still work?

@Roragok we need a stickied thread listing all the mafiabot commands.

Wow. I played a game of Artifact and my opponent recognized me from this website.

I invited him to play, but he said he doesn't play mafia.

His Artifact name is smellskindabig.

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That's a2pas




@anon82208883 Start the game unless Gamut gets more.
And give me a gun. :pepegun:

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if it does get started. bot should still work. also send me a discord or steam pm so i know to come here lol

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Thats 8.

i'm not letting Goyclub sign. especially now that we actually have enough to play. ill hold it open for another day and start tomorrow probably.