How can we be sure that these late game signers aren't goy club?
Personally I don't care unless one of them joins to intentionally ruin the game.
If you don't sign to intentionally ruin the game, then say it.
I'm not going to intentionally ruin the game
no goyclub
I'm not goyclub idiot
I'm way too narcisstic to be in a club retard
blinks in thread
casts frost nova
What's up losers, goy club is crashing this game with no survivors!
it's a based schizo kyle signup episode
start the damn game 8 is fine
Stop gaslighting
Kyle is a good host.
Sign sign sign
Okay, I rolled town. WHo wants to form town allaince
if i dont know you then im assuming youre goyclub on some gay account
ikm gonna make the signup thread so please sign there so i can use the bot