Dungeon Mafia Day 1 with duplicate items.

Klaze is mafia wanting to know who to kill (the knight classes)

He says he’s afraid of his item getting stolen

What’s really funny is that our Knight already claimed for no reason so we just lose a guaranteed kill. Keep claiming your items guys.

Jesus fucking christ.

Claiming classes doesn’t really help anyone because guess what? There’s no fucking item list OR class list #'s. So you will never REALLY know what items they can get, what’s the point?

I’m knight btw haha kill me Klaze


You’re so fucking stupid. It’s MAFIA, we never REALLY know shit, this is a game of reads and educated guesses. You keep blabbering about “random lynches” and “random nightactions” like you’ve never played a game before.

In traditional mafia games there are a limited # of roles predetermined, in this there is NOTHING predetermined so listing classes does nothing because there are no counter claims or deductions possible.

What do you mean?

In regular mafia there could be a max of 2 investigatives, so if you had 3 investigatives one must be evil. In this game 9 people could claim knight and nobody would know if that was a thing

This looks like quite a traditional regular mafia game to me from my POV so far.
The OP clearly says there’s 1 knight - what do you mean?

Oh ok well I’m the knight kill me klaze

Lol hahahahaha

you can tell what your item does from the description idiots.


I didn’t know I was playing with actual mongoloids. My bad. If you’re a fucking knight or mage, you obviously mask your item as something not revealing that you’re a fucking PR. The fact that I have to explain this to you guys is astounding.

Throne of Lies players like @bazingaboy aren’t very clever lol haha

I have a SWORD with a mask on it, that is gonna STAB klaze


Why are you using misplays from ■■■■■■■■ players to paint your own narrative?

my Narrative is objective truth. There’s no reason to claim items, if you knew what my item did you would realize this but I won’t tell you.