Dungeon Mafia Day 2

Hint: Your Lies are crumbling

Th’re’s a v’ry base p’rcent changeth nma’s a pr, if 't be true that gent doesn’t useth an item on a town memb’r tom’rrow night that gent dies. If 't be true that gent grubbl’d up an untargetable item, tough luck

Base percent chance he’s a PR? Are you reading his posts?

He’s basically doing the dotakyle thing where he plays so retarded people start assuming he’s town

. I meanteth pr as in ogre/goblin. base = “low”

No I’m not. I am mocking your incompetent Scum gameplay. I have been very competent the last two days and you are again reaching and trying to justify your behaviour through ad hominem

He’s probably the grubbler. Grubbled the raccoon, used it.

We can kill Dan. Dan may also die today. if you know what I mean.

Wintermute has been maimed by the raccoon, you should of been more careful! You can’t use the letters “r”, “c”, or “n” for the rest of the day.

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Killing gnolls(grubbl’rs) art not of the highest pri’rity. Removing scum’s killeth pow’r/knightsw’rd is


Those letters are the non-vowels in the word raccoon by the way.

Got it.

Make that twelve hours instead of the day as the day today is longer than usual.


Poblem with killig baz is if we hit the oe dumb tow i* the goup we ae i* a petty bad positio

You can use the letter n again. Perhaps three letters was too vicious:

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I concur. Eith’r way i has’t did present mine own planeth and we shouldst not white-noise the thread any furth’r, alloweth people claimeth and then we’ll decideth on who is’t to lynch

Outright refusing to disclose thy night-action is an instant lynch btw

i tried to run through that mangy cur nma with my knights sword , but was informed my sword had been stolen by some rogueish thief


I .he.ked KKat’s d1 qui.kly and his ta.gets we.e baz nma

Klaze’s plan: Town, please say what you did last night when you show up