El Grande Caravan

thinking about getting a nice long overcoat soon. Willing to pay for a good quality one.

where do you buy clothes in japan

Do they have destination XL

so far just online, but there is a fat guy that works at the convenience store that I am working on befriending so I can ask where he shops for clothes

You seriously live in shenmue

Thats incredible


You live a charmed life in nippon that functions like a video game. I was just googling around and youre going to the lawsons to get the clerks opinion and then talking with the people at the mahjongg parlor

havent seen a mahjongg parlor nor do I care to. I am just talking to the fat guy at ministop

Dude thats stupid you should play mahjongg and pachinko and go to arcades and fiend bemani

I play gear at mikado the only arcade that matters

Oh shit that is cool

Japanese people sit next to me all the time on the train

Yeah this was more of an occurrence among Black expats

Yeah that makes sense. An african family lives in the building nextvto me. The husband is so damn friendly.

Just realized I dont know his name. I feel bad now. He definitely knows mine

I dun diddly kno if you pro migrant Muricans know that this looks exactly what EU migrant invasion looked like at the start. They get in, the rest of timado and crew will be ruining your games with a low ping from Texas or Cali.

You’re migrant scum though lol

the migrants of the 90’s are not the migrants of today. all the smart ones got out then.