Even Odd Killers D2

Div's EOD yesterday. He knows LBJ is going to flip town - I have never seen a more telegraphed lynch prep

Also publicly states that he does not trust me, then sheeps my read, taking great delight to outline how this lynch (which he knows will flip town) will reflect poorly on me.

To me this reads like beginner mafia player delighted at the opportunity to set someone up for a VT lynch. Unfortunately he lacked balls to hard push me today - it seems to me that he is trying to hint in order to get others to start a push on me, but scared to actually be the source of that push himself.

If I was here at EOD yesterday I would've tried to change the train to div, I think this is textbook scum play. Not to mention his interactions with bazinga and the fact that he has said "SK" 15 times and never once mentioned hunting for scum lol