Even Odd Killers D2

Yes how inconvenient for me.

And yet despite all this you don't actually believe I am SK from the way you write to me in the thread. It's giving "teehee"

Div you need to look up duper's delight. This was your fundamental error this game. You are too obvious when you know what the outcome of a flip is going to be

Div's EOD yesterday. He knows LBJ is going to flip town - I have never seen a more telegraphed lynch prep

Also publicly states that he does not trust me, then sheeps my read, taking great delight to outline how this lynch (which he knows will flip town) will reflect poorly on me.

To me this reads like beginner mafia player delighted at the opportunity to set someone up for a VT lynch. Unfortunately he lacked balls to hard push me today - it seems to me that he is trying to hint in order to get others to start a push on me, but scared to actually be the source of that push himself.

If I was here at EOD yesterday I would've tried to change the train to div, I think this is textbook scum play. Not to mention his interactions with bazinga and the fact that he has said "SK" 15 times and never once mentioned hunting for scum lol

I am unveiling my last mafia read. Div is the 2nd mafia

We will lynch Div today and go to a mylo 1v3 against SK. Town then has to no-lynch to go to lylo 1v2. From there the game is not easy but I assume I will not be there so I wish you goodluck.

We could also lynch me today which brings us to 1v1v3 in night 2.

Maf has the difficult decision to kill KKat (poses serious threat) or try to among likely SK candidates (even more serious threat since SK will try to kill maf tomorrow night)

Maf hits kkat -> game goes to 1v1v2 with SK having the next NK, SK wins unless lynched tomorrow.

Maf hits SK -> game goes to 1v3 with 1maf, a cop, and a verified town alive. Obviously ideal for town

This is contingent on the assumption if I'm flipped mafia could hit SK between insom and SDK. I think it's not 100% but div does think insom is SK (esp after I die) so depending how right our general reads in the thread have been it could be a good option

If we flip div today as mafia and SK leaves me & Nyte to go to lylo (sample lylo: me, Nyte, Insom) we just autolose to SK. So may be better to flip me today and force maf to hunt SK tonight.

Then again you are assuming the maf is smart and accurate. If maf decides to kill kkat because he is scared to get copped, you get a guaranteed SK win anyway.

If one of our town hadn't self-destructed we would have an extra day here and this game would be easy.

I agree NMA. It is supsicious that div didn't accuse me of being mafia since I led the lynch off of bazinga and suggested Nyte as the SK kill

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the thread despite your unfortunate zeusing in the mafia game and ban from the website

Div knows I am not mafia because I am not in his mafia chat. Maybe if you had played the game properly and gained entry to the GY you would know this

Yeah it’s so suspicious that I still think you’re the kind of scum I already told you that you were. Telegraphing your night play totally isn’t giving “teehee” or anything.

I don’t think you’re mafia because I think you nkd mafia, but sure that’s definitely not impossible!


All I said was you have to admit the pieces lines up, and you do. But you didn't. There's was still uncertainty with the existing evidence and I said nothing more. Implied it, sure.

Saying I know who the flip was going to be betrays that either you are the sk, or you agreed that insom is and didn't seem to care too much. Hold on after work I'll get my own 9 post diatribe fired up. Oh wait no I won't, because you're only interested in getting the person greatly invested in you being sk out of the game while setting it back up on insom.

Do not wmoji react unless you are in the game thanks.

And I extended timer so game ends at 6 tomorrow

@Strawberry_Donut_King play or risk Zeus/sub.

I think the only question that remains is whether Nyte and KKat are committed to not townread me this game. If it's the case, I have to be lynched today based on the numbers post I laid out earlier

@Strawberry_Donut_King , if you are the last mafia, you have to kill the Serial Killer tonight to have a chance at winning the game. Your teammates in the thread generally believe that Insom is the Serial Killer.

for the record i don't believe assoul is sk - i believe he's mafia and illmemer is sk

but that's without reading the rest of the thread.

Hey man, just curious, why aren't these in chronological order?

This one in particular was a little less than 3 hours before EoD, you could have uhhh answered maybe. Just an oversight I'm sure.

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That's very interesting. Did you get that idea from reading the thread or from out-of-game cheating?

You seemed to have no suspicions of me being anything other than SK (or actually you seemed to be reading me town but mad at me) just a few hours ago.

Would you like to explain why you clearly stated you did not trust me, viewed me as scum, and then did an about face and followed my lynch into end of day?

How did you know LBJ would flip town?

It's news to me that I did. If I didn't think you had control of the odd-kills, I would've thought you were bazinga's partner. You still could be and someone else killed them, but I think you did based on how you chose to play around it. If SK gets lynched d1 I don't see cop claiming d2 off a town result, effectively guaranteeing their death if mafia isn't eliminated d2.

Whether it's your fault or not, I think what's occurred up to this point is ideal for sk and it still feels like you're pushing things in that direction.

Is there any chance of opening a dialogue here rather than just throwing questions and accusations at each other, like I tried to do yesterday? Because coming from you suggesting oh actually nyte is scum thats what I really meant is about the most meaningless thing possible